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The Libraries are accepting Course Reserve requests for the fall 2022 semester. Submit your requests through our intuitive Course Reserves tool. The deadline to ensure your items will be available by the start of classes is Tuesday, August 16, 2022.  ...

Congratulations to our graduating student employees! Across all our locations, our student employees helped keep the Libraries running this year whether it was shelving books, working behind the scenes cataloguing or helped patrons at our Reader Services desk. To celebrate, ...

The Libraries continue to grow to include more exceptional people to our team! This spotlight of our new hires shares a little about each of them as we welcome them to the Libraries and the Binghamton community. Elise Ferer (she ...

The Libraries have continued to grow to include some exceptional people to our team! This spotlight of our new hires shares a little about each of them as we welcome them to the Libraries and the Binghamton community. Bryan Field ...

The Libraries’ Course Reserves department can help make summer course materials easily accessible to students and manage your required course readings in one, convenient location. Course Reserves staff can do the following: Place physical textbooks on Reserves at Bartle or ...

As efforts of environmental activism expand every year while the effects of climate change become more prominent in our daily lives, the importance of understanding human interaction with the planet grows too. With Earth Day and Arbor Day approaching, the ... ...

The Libraries have grown to include some exceptional people to our team! This spotlight of our new hires shares a little about each of them as we welcome them to the Libraries and the Binghamton community. Hailley Harvey (she/her/hers) CMF ...