Are you interested in a career in healthcare? There are a lot of interesting career paths available and the Libraries have books on a variety topics to help you explore those options. In collaboration with the Binghamton University School of ... ...
With a grand re-opening anticipated for early 2025, the Libraries are excited to showcase the latest update to our space on the third floor of Bartle Library. However, before we can share what the new space will look like and ...
The Libraries are full of friendly people with useful materials in spaces where everyone is welcome to do classwork, research or just to hang out with friends! In the Libraries, you’ll find books, digital content like eBooks and articles, printers ...
For the month of March, the Libraries are hosting the traveling exhibit RecognizingWomen’s Right to Vote in New York State provided by the South Central Regional Library Council (SCRLC). SCRLC aims to empower their members “through advocacy, networking, resources and ...
Kirsten Pagan did not always picture herself as a leader of Data Visualization at Binghamton. However, when she first became aware of the Data Visualization Interest Group (DataViz) on campus, she was excited to get involved and offer administrative support. ...
Are you interested in a career in healthcare? There are a lot of interesting career paths available and the Libraries have books on a variety topics to help you explore those options. In collaboration with the Binghamton University School of ...
The Libraries are accepting Course Reserve requests for the Spring 2024 semester. Submit your requests through our intuitive Course Reserves tool. The deadline to ensure your items will be available by the start of classes is Tuesday January 9, 2024. ...
The Libraries have continued to grow to include some exceptional people to our team! This spotlight of our new hires shares a little about each of them as we welcome them to the Libraries and the Binghamton community from this ...
Five years ago, a make-shift meeting room formed at the Science Library by groups who needed to talk about issues like climate change, severe weather and food insecurity started simply scooting nearby shelves together. The shelves were soon covered in ...