Written by Susan Zheng and Julia Tirro with Ruth Carpenter  Have you ever told a story using a map? Maybe you’ve been in the middle of a conversation and pulled out your phone to show, exactly on the map, where ...

The Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Department and Harpur College’s Digital and Data Studies program are thrilled to host the fourth biennial Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI). Taking place Monday, August 4 – Friday, August 8, this immersive program invites graduate students, ...

It is finally here! After over five years of renovations and planning, the new Digital Scholarship Center (LS-3505) is now open. We are so excited for all of you to experience it with us. The new space includes: Stop by ...

You may be familiar with Binghamton Libraries’ long list of databases to help support research. But have you ever heard of its toolbox for doing text analysis? Text analysis is a computational method for “distant reading” or treating unorganized bodies ...

Welcome back, Digital Scholars. We hope you had a wonderful summer. Our team had a busy summer planning for the future of Digital Scholarship at Binghamton. It is going to be an exciting year! A Sneak Peak into 2025 When ...

Most student groups in Dr. Melissa Haller’s capstone course (DiDa 425) collected data from online sources analyzing and compiling the data into a final poster. However, one group in the course had the opportunity to work with data that became ...

Dear Data Binghamton began when Amber Simpson, associate professor and co-assistant director for the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership, reached out to the Digital Scholarship team in the Libraries to discuss … something completely different. During that conversation ...

Kirsten Pagan did not always picture herself as a leader of Data Visualization at Binghamton. However, when she first became aware of the Data Visualization Interest Group (DataViz) on campus, she was excited to get involved and offer administrative support. ...

Happy Spring! We hope you are as delighted as we are for another semester of digital scholarship activities. We have a full roster of exciting events and opportunities to connect with the community in 2024.  Mark Your Calendars for Bits ...

One of the most common questions Digital Scholarship librarians can receive is “what is Digital Scholarship?” While information is provided on the Digital Scholarship Libguide, it remains a nebulous term on purpose. Digital Scholarship librarians exist to help with digital ...