Course Reserves is now accepting requests for the Spring 2021 semester — submit your requests by January 25, 2021 through our intuitive Course Reserves tool. We can… Create OCR-accessible scans for digital access to book chapters and articles (per copyright ...

Binghamton University Libraries is one of 25 libraries nationwide to be awarded the American Library Association’s Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change full grant. The grant is designed to help libraries engage with their local communities with programs to ...

Welcome to 2020 Open Access Week! Oct 19-26 is 2020 International Open Access week. This year’s theme is Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion. An initiative of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), ...

The Binghamton University Libraries’ material collections are dealt with in large part by our resident expert Jim Galbraith, head of collection development. He also leads Collections, a team of faculty librarians with subject specializations, cataloguing and web-based expertise who theorize ...

For most people, change isn’t synonymous with libraries but those who have the inside track know that change agents make the best librarians. The professional work involved in librarianship today includes identifying trends, learning and teaching new modalities, redefining best ...

When campus temporarily closed at the end of the spring semester, we were unable to wrap up the year with our student workers. It was hard not to be able to say goodbye. This fall, student supervisors at the Glenn ...

We have created the Anti-Racism Research & Resource Guide that provides a curated selection of resources and materials on topics related to anti-racism, racial justice and systemic racism. It is a tool to support those interested in learning more about ...

The Libraries have launched a new online chat service as a way to provide more contactless service options. The ‘Chat with Us’ button allows you to connect with our Reader Services staff. It is currently available in our Find It! ...

Binghamton University Libraries is hosting two virtual workshops via Zoom on Thursday, October 1st, 2020. Attendees are invited to register for one or both of the workshops, as their schedule allows. Please register to each workshop individually below. Understanding Your ...

Two important collections updates from the Libraries SEE BELOW FOR TOWN HALL REGISTRATION Collections Cuts In July, Dean Kendrick shared the news that the University Libraries, like the rest of campus, is receiving a significant base budget cut in FY20-21. ...