
BU President, VPs take part in town hall meeting

lot of ground was covered at the town hall meeting held Thursday, March 22, when President Harvey Stenger, four vice presidents and the director of athletics answered questions from students for nearly two hours in Lecture Hall 2. About 20 people attended the meeting, which was co-sponsored by the Student Association and moderated by Student Association President Kathryn Howard.

Stenger and the others responded to questions about enrollment, NYSUNY 2020, funding for graduate students and financial aid for all students, how the University will maintain high-quality academics and the provost search, among other questions.

When asked about what he would do about NYSUNY 2020 legislation and it’s rational tuition plan, Stenger said he supports tuition increases that will allow Binghamton University to hire more faculty and lower the faculty-student ratio, but wants to make sure that every student who has demonstrated need does not have to pay the gap faced by the increase.

“We’re committed to every student who is TAP-eligible to meet that need by providing $700,000 in scholarships,” he said. “That will be guaranteed as long as they are registered, but we need more so we’ve started reaching out to alumni who want to make sure students like them have the resources to attend. We will continue to monitor the need of every student every year and will try to make access one of our key goals.”

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