Professor of French and Comparative Literature Sandro Sticcca has continued a custom of many decades through his recent donation of two books to the Libraries’ Special Collections. “Gabriele D’Annunzio,” a richly illustrated book highlighting places in the Abruzzo region of Italy, rendered famous by its most famous modern poet; and “Pescara,” a lush pictorial description of the poet’s own native city.
The books were generously sent to Sticca following his receipt of a complimentary issue of Abruzzo’s leading magazine “Tesori d’Abruzzo” — (Abruzzo’s Treasures), which was sent in recognition of his long dedication to the region. In a subsequent gesture of appreciation, a subscription to the magazine was gifted by the publishing house to Binghamton University Libraries.
Sticca has written widely on the Abruzzo region, with his most recent book entitled “From Prehistory to History. Abruzzo’s Cultural Heritage.” In addition to having been born in Abruzzo, the Professor has also taught at the University of L’Aquila, located in Abruzzo’s capital.
Currently, Sticca and Stefano de Pamphilis, another native of Abruzzo and one of the magazine’s most prominent writers, are collaborating on a book about instructor in painting, Torquato Di Felice.
Special Collections is thrilled with this generous gift!