The Department of Economics invites the campus community to attend a ceremony honoring the life and work of Professor Al Carlip at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 14, in the IASH Conference Room, LN-1106, the former Faculty Lounge on the first floor of the Library Tower just off the main lobby to the left of the elevators. Carlip joined the economics faculty in 1960 and remained a member of the department for the rest of his career, becoming professor emeritus in 1986, and continuing to offer courses for a decade thereafter. A prominent member of the founding generation of Harpur College faculty, he helped to lay the groundwork upon which Binghamton University was built, serving as dean for graduate studies in the 1960s and chair of a University committee charged with codifying standards for tenure in the 1970s. He died Sept. 25, 2011. There will be a reception after the ceremony to allow those attending to mingle and reminisce. The department hopes that all who remember Professor Carlip will join in honoring an esteemed colleague and friend.