On September 12, Eric D. Weitz, ’74, distinguished professor of history at City College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, will give a talk based on his recently published book, “A World Divided: The Global Struggle for ...
Update (7/17/19): The issue with Google Scholar has been resolved — you can access articles normally from Google Scholar by clicking “GetIt!” Due to the recent migration to a new SUNY-wide library management system, the Getit@BU link in Google Scholar ...
Libraries and poetry lovers around the world are commemorating the 200th birthday of the great American poet, Walt Whitman, born on May 31, 1819, in West Hills, NY on Long Island. Writing and revising his collection of poems, Leaves of ...
The Libraries are moving to a new library services platform (LSP) in June. All SUNY libraries are part of the LSP project which will provide better access to all resources across SUNY. In December, we introduced our updated Find It! ...
The SUNY Libraries Consortium, in collaboration with the University Faculty Senate and the SUNY Provost’s Office, will host a series of town hall meetings on eight SUNY campuses during the remainder of the spring semester. The reason for these town halls ...
Megan Benson joined Binghamton University Libraries in August 2018 as the Instructional Outreach Librarian. She teaches UNIV 180A Critical Research Skills and is in charge of the Libraries social media accounts, @bingulibraries. Prior to coming to Binghamton, Megan received her ...
Last December, the Libraries replaced the classic library catalog with Find It!, a single-search box that provides a dynamic “one-stop” discovery and delivery service to the Libraries’ collections and an extensive index of millions of scholarly e-resources, including books, e-books, ...
For the convenience of Binghamton University Faculty, we are offering a new Faculty Research Room (Rm. 4642) on the fourth floor of Bartle Library. The space provides a convenient, quiet, semi-private space for faculty to conduct research. This room can be accessed by requesting ...
In May 2019, Binghamton University will hold its first Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI), an intensive four-day boot camp style workshop series that is designed for Binghamton faculty and advanced graduate students who are interested in or curious about the ...
We are now accepting course reserve requests for Spring 2019. Submit your request by Monday, Jan. 7 to ensure your materials are available on the first day of classes. We are happy to circulate both Libraries-owned materials and course materials ...