Beyond the images of sandy Caribbean beaches, tropical rainforests and exotic flora lies a country with a complex history and culture that still today remains virtually unknown to many in the continental U.S. The Reading Puerto Rico exhibit highlights the ...
As part of Homecoming Weekend, the Libraries’ new Center for the Study of the 1960s will be playing a recording of the May 2, 1970 performance of the Grateful Dead at Harpur College from 9 p.m.-Midnight, Saturday, Oct. 7 in the ...
As educators we are faced with copyright issues on a daily basis. Whether it’s an image selection for a lecture or debating whether or not to copy a print source for a handout, understanding copyright informs how we teach. We want ...
Looking for a print copy of or online access to the New York Times (NYT)? We have it in the Libraries! Print copies are available at Bartle Library on the 3rd floor in the current periodicals room and at the ...
Can you crack the secret code? Hidden Messages: Steganography, Cryptology and Digital Watermarking gives viewers a glimpse into the science of covert communication. Featured books and materials will allow you to discover the different methods of hiding information, whether it ...