April is a very busy month for monthly observances! It is: National Poetry Month, Arab American, Identity Month, Math Awareness Month, Financial Literacy Month, and Citizen Science Month. To celebrate them all, we have a longer reading list then usual. ...
As a reminder, the Bartle Library 3rd Floor collection will be moved to an off-site location starting April 12 (new date) – see March 1 update. These items will not be accessible until they are scheduled to return to the ...
As books prepare to leave the 3rd Floor of Bartle Library beginning April 12, the Libraries are implementing an expansion of their online catalog to ensure Binghamton University patrons still have easy access to the many items that will be ...
A recent change in Gmail filters is causing emails sent by the Libraries to route to patrons’ spam folders. We are working with ITS and Google to resolve this issue. In the meantime, faculty, students and staff are advised to ...
Binghamton University Libraries serve every discipline on campus. To some, the Libraries are a group of quiet rooms surrounded by books or the best place to study and meet study partners. For others, the Libraries represent research opportunities and discoveries ...
Libraries are known for their collective ability to pivot. People who regularly use library services know that the richness of paper books, the essence of the stacks and the feeling of laying one’s hands on the perfect volume are all ...
It is the Libraries’ primary institutional purpose to provide material that answers the myriad of questions posed by scholars. Our biggest fans are many-splendored and, while they proudly identify with their primary Binghamton degree programs, a select group remember the ...
As part of the Bartle Library 3rd Floor renovation project, the Libraries are currently moving items from Bartle and Science Libraries to our Annex in Conklin (see February 2021 Update). The next phase of moving the 3rd Floor book collection ...
https://libcal.binghamton.edu/event/7558988 ...
The Libraries are very excited to announce the creation of a seed library! If you are unfamiliar with seed libraries, they are basically places where individuals can “borrow” seeds to grow with the intention of harvesting and returning seeds at ...