Father’s Day, inaugurated in the early twentieth century to compliment Mother’s Day, is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June but it ...
Orlando furioso by M. Lodovico Ariosto. Venetia : V. Valgrisio. 1560. This late Renaissance book, Orlando Furioso (literally Mad Orlando) has a full calf binding with triple ruled borders in blind on the front and back covers. A gilt decorative medallion is tooled on the center of ...
Launched in 1992 by the Poetry Society of America and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Poetry in Motion, now known as Arts for Transit, is today one of the most popular public literary programs in American history. This outstanding program places poetry ...
Each of Rohmer’s signs of the zodiac is accompanied by a poem. This is a limited first edition with 250 numbered copies. Numbered copies 1-50 were printed on J. Green handmade watercolor paper and were signed by the artist on the colophon ...
Illustrated Natural History by the Rev. J.G. Wood, published by George Routledge and Sons, New York, 1886 is our featured book for the month of February. John George Wood, or Rev J. G. Wood, (July 21, 1827–March 3, 1889), was a ...
Valla, Lorenzo, and Jacobus Montanus. Elegantiae vocabulorum. [S.l.]: Michael Hillenius excudebat, 1526. Special Collections call number: PA 2320. V34 1526. This elegant yet highly complex octavo is actually three books that have been rebound together subsequent to publication. The other ...
Special Collections’ featured item for December 2011 is actually a music score: Volga boatmen’s song = barge hauler’s chant translated from the Russian by Edward Bromberg, arranged by Victor Harris, and based on the harmonization of Edward Bromberg. Published in Boston, c1917 by the Oliver Ditson ...
Weltgeschichte in Umrissen: Federzeichnungen eines Deutschen (World history in outline. Pen and ink drawings of a German) was first published in 1897. The book was a detailed study of world history up until the end of the nineteenth century. The book was well received and proved to be ...
Harpur College in the Bartle Era, by Stephen McIntire, is the first published history of Harpur College, the undergraduate college of Binghamton University. This history covers the years 1946-1964, from the incorporation of the college into the State University of ...
Sinicæ historiæ decas prima : res à gentis origine ad Christum natum in extrema Asia, sive magno Sinarum imperio gestas complexa by Martino Martini. Monachii : L. Straubii, 1658. 362 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Call Number: DS 741.3 .M38 Rare Book Collection Sinicæ ...