Special Collections will host an opening event in celebration of this unique and diminutive exhibit from 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, in Special Collections, second floor, off of the North Reading Room, Glenn G. Bartle Library. The miniature book collection ...
By definition, a miniature book is one that measures 10 centimeters or less in height. The Libraries’ Miniature Book Collection consists of 116 books that spans four centuries from 1605 to 1991. Due to their size, age and/or rarity, miniature ...
Since January 2015 over 25,000 early English texts from 1473-1700 have been released online to members of the public under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication through the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP). Since 2000, the university libraries of Michigan and Oxford and ProQuest have been ...
Mémoires de la vie privée de Benjamin Franklin, écrits par lui-meme et adressés à son fils, suivis d’un précis historique de sa vie politique, et de plusieurs pièces relatives à ce père de la liberté. Benjamin Franklin. 1791. Paris: Chez ...
Binghamton University Special Collections has selected The 1964-1965 New York World’s Fair, in celebration of its 50th anniversary, as its featured book for December 2014. Written by Bill Cotter and Bill Young, longtime members of the World’s Fair Collectors Society, ...
Special Collections hosted Tricky Treatise: Malleus Maleficarum (the Hammer of Witches) and European Witch Hunting. This event was the first of many presentation of the Occasional Series in Special Collections. Held ...
An Occasional Series in Special Collections Tricky Treatise: Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches) and European Witch Hunting Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 pm Huppe Reading Room Special Collections Bartle Library Presentation and discussion led by Beth Kilmarx, Curator ...
The Mallevs maleficarvm was produced to allow the clergy and the laity to understand and identify witches and their works. The text is split into three sections. The first section argues why witchcraft is real and how dangerous witchcraft can ...
Binghamton University Libraries held an Open House on August 29, 2014 to introduce students to the Libraries and help them learn how the Libraries can assist them with their course work and research. Special Collections was thrilled to welcome over ...
As the academic year begins, Binghamton University Special Collections has chosen Coming to Voice: Writing Personal, Civic, and Academic Arguments, edited by Kelly Kinney and Sean Fenty, as its the featured book for September 2014. This textbook serves as the basis for ...