
From bookplates, ownership inscriptions and marginalia to bespoke bindings and notes left by booksellers and librarians, many volumes in Special Collections bear the evidence of those who owned, read, or sold them prior to their arrival here at Binghamton University. ...

Libraries and poetry lovers around the world are commemorating the 200th birthday of the great American poet, Walt Whitman, born on May 31, 1819, in West Hills, NY on Long Island. Writing and revising his collection of poems, Leaves of ...

Blood Passion: The Ludlow Massacre and Class War in the American West by Scott Martelle (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. 2007)  recounts the events that led to the Ludlow Massacre, the culminating battle of the 1913–1914 Colorado coal miners’ strike. For several ...

“The singular structure and habits of the Bat have long since afforded the poets an emblem of darkness and terror, and induced them to consecrate this creature to Proserpine, their queen of Hades. … it is by no means allowable ...

The NATO-aligned Federal Republic of Germany (popularly known as West Germany) was formally established as a separate and independent nation on May 23, 1949. It would remain so, divided from the Warsaw-pact aligned East Germany, until German reunification on October ...

Today, May 19, is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s birthday.  Mustafa Kemal was born in 1881 in Thessaloniki, which was part of the Ottoman Empire and died on November 10th, 1938 in Istanbul.  Atatürk, which means father of the Turks was the ...

Today we celebrate the birthday of L. Frank Baum, known for his children’s books, most famously The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. His first best-selling children’s book was 1899’s Father Goose, His Book. In 1900 Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz , which ...

We in Special Collections were very sorry to hear of the passing of Prof. Sandro Sticca. He was a frequent visitor to Special Collections and the epitome of an Italian gentleman. He was a generous donor giving works such as ...

The Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War (May 8 and May 9) is an annual international day of remembrance designated by Resolution 59/26  of the United Nations General Assembly on November 22, 2004. The resolution urges ...

The Special Collections and University Archives department of the University Libraries’ was fortunate to acquire recently a remarkable rare book for the William J. Haggerty Collection of French Colonial History:  Des colonies; particulièrement de la Guyane française.  It was written by ...