Sandro Sticca, professor of French and comparative literature, presented a wonderful gift to Special Collections on May 5, 2016. Prof. Sticca is a constant supporter of Special Collections and his gifts are greatly appreciated by Binghamton University Libraries Special Collections.
Below is a brief description of the gift book:
Responsa ad cuiuscunque penè generis casuum conscientiae quaesita quadringenta … : Apud Societatem Minimam. pars secunda … / Giovanni Battista Corradi, (O.P.) 1603. [69], 532, [2] p. ; Venetiis : Apud Societatem Minimam.
Physical Description: Contemporary limp vellum binding; lacks decoration or spine labels, with evidence of insect and animal damage. Spine cover partially intact. Evidence of leather ties on front and back covers. Blue sprinkled top, fore, and bottom edges. Front and back free endpapers are missing. Title page is printed in black and red inks, has a printer’s device, in addition to marginalia. The text is printed in double columns, has running titles, pagination, printer’s guide words, signatures, head-pieces, tail-pieces, and decorated initials. Index and errata. Rounded humanist Bembo font.
Pagination: [69], 532, [2] p.
Dimensions: 228 mm height X 155 mm length X 50 mm width (octo size).
Publisher: Printed in Venice by the Minimalist (?) Society.
Thank you to Prof. Sticca for his continued generosity and patronage of Binghamton University Libraries and Special Collections.