Opening night of the Graphic! Lurid! Sensational! Exploitation and B-Movie Posters exhibit at the Binghamton University Art Museum was a great success! The exhibit features posters from the John McLaughlin Collection located in the Binghamton University Libraries’ Special Collections. Guest Curator, Brian Wall, Associate Professor of Cinema and Art History, and the students of his CINE 380 class were able to narrow the collection of over 450 posters to the 35 featured in the exhibit.
Graphic! Lurid! Sensational! Exploitation and B-Movie Posters will be on exhibit in the Art Museum’s Main Gallery through May 21. Guest Curator, Brian Wall will be giving a gallery talk on Thursday, April 14, at 12:00p.m.
Special thanks to Diane Butler, Director of the University Art Museum, and her staff for making this exhibit possible.