Special Collections hosted Tricky Treatise: Malleus Maleficarum (the Hammer of Witches) and European Witch Hunting. This event was the first of many presentation of the Occasional Series in Special Collections. Held on Tuesday, October 28 more than twenty campus faculty, community members, students, and library members attended the presentation given by Beth Kilmarx and Richard Mackenney, Professor of History. Beth Kilmarx discussed the the historical backdrop of the treatise and its publishing history. Dr. Mackenny discussed the effect the book on Europe, and how the witch hunts were mostly concentrated in the Alpine regions of Germany. After the presentation, there were many questions which led to a lively discussion period. The next event, Good-bye to All That: the First World War and the End of an Era, will be held on Tuesday, November 11 at 11:01 -12:31 in Special Collections. Beth Kilmarx and Dr. Mackenney will present their papers which will be followed by a discussion.