Thursday, October 9 is the last day to sign up for the all expenses paid day-trip to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Come enjoy the peak of autumn color and learn about the fascinating culture of Eastern Orthodoxy here in upstate New York. The chartered bus will leave from Lot M at 8:00am on Saturday, October 11. Lunch will be provided at the monastery. The bus will return to Lot M at 4. Click on the following link to sign up:https://docs.google.com/a/binghamton.edu/forms/d/10hBTLseVSmTIU3QFlSisKOEMOU-wTqLO9LblgB7WEbk/viewform?usp=send_form.
On October 11 the Russian and East European Program (REEP) is sponsoring a bus trip to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Departure time will be approximately 8 a.m., with arrival at the monastery at about 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided at the monastery, and the bus will arrive back at Binghamton University by about 4 p.m.
Please fill out this form if you definitely plan to participate in this trip. There is no cost, but we do expect that if you reserve a spot, you will participate. Anyone who is interested can sign up here; please indicate if you are currently taking a Russian course, or are part of the Russian student union, or if you have some other affiliation with Russian programs on campus. Preference will be given first to students who are currently Russian majors/minors or who are in Russian or REEP-affiliated courses (e.g. History or Political Science or Comparative Literature courses that have a substantial Russian component.)
For more information, please contact Professor Sidney Dement (sdement@binghamton.edu).
Read more about the Holy Trinity Monastery