
Binghamton Faculty to Read Their Works

Jaimee Wriston Colbert and Joe Weil will read at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, in S1-149. Colbert will read from her newest novel, Shark Girl. Other books she has written include the award-winning story collection Dream Lives of Butterflies; Climbing the God Tree, winner of the Willa Cather Fiction Prize; and Sex, Salvation, and the Automobile, winner of the Zephyr Publishing Prize. Colbert teaches fiction at Binghamton University. Weil will read from his latest book, The Plumber’s Apprentice, just out from New York Quarterly Press. Weil published two new books last year: Painting the Christmas Tree and What Remains. Weil teaches poetry at Binghamton University. Sponsored by the Binghamton Center for Writers. For more information call 777-2713, e-mail or visit