
The Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne is featured book for October

The Andy Warhol Catalogue RaisonnĂ© edited by George Frei and Neil Printz, of which Binghamton University’s Special Collections holds V.1: Paintings and Sculpture, 1961-1963 is a must for fans of Warhol and pop art. This volume showcases what are effectively his first paintings. According to the editors: “The commonplace objects and popular subjects that he painted, such as Campbell’s soup cans and Marilyn Monroe, the mechanical techniques he introduced, namely silkscreening, and the structures of repetition that he used swiftly drew him to the forefront of the culture associated with pop art during the 1960s.” Indeed, his works depicting iconic American products and figures and the mass appeal of his representations of symbols of United States popular culture established him as a central figure in the pop art movement.