Tired of wasting time on citation mechanics and tracking down misplaced sources? Join us for an introduction to RefWorks, a citation management tool that will keep track of your sources, generate citations and bibliographies and facilitate collaborative research. At this workshop, you’ll ...

Looking for a print copy of or online access to the New York Times (NYT)? We have it in the Libraries! Print copies are available at Bartle Library on the 3rd floor in the current periodicals room and at the ...

Renowned scholar and artist Johanna Drucker will give a public lecture and workshop on digital humanities in September. The events are sponsored by the Libraries. Digital Humanities Status Report: Where are We Now? Public lecture, 5 p.m., September 18, 2017 ...

Have you ever wondered about the local impact of trade tariffs? Or the social cost of carbon emission? From local budget analysis to military reports on global warming, government documents offer a wealth of knowledge from local, state and federal ...

Can you crack the secret code? Hidden Messages: Steganography, Cryptology and Digital Watermarking gives viewers a glimpse into the science of covert communication. Featured books and materials will allow you to discover the different methods of hiding information, whether it ...

Our expert subject librarians are assigned to each academic discipline taught at Binghamton. Join us for our annual Graduate Student Orientation to meet your subject librarian, learn about the best resources for scholarship and teaching, and check out the new ...