A few months into the pandemic, I decided to work my way through my “to be read” pile. I came across the hilariously delivered account of Bill Bryson’s travels through Australia, In a Sunburned Country. It was my favorite read ...

Each year, the libraries hire, train and host more than 250 student employees. These students participate in services ranging from overseeing service desks at night to scanning additional content for our digital libraries. Some student employees have Federal Work-Study allotments ...

Binghamton University doesn’t rest because scholarship never sleeps. That is the primary reason that our Libraries’ in-person services extend past normal campus business hours to include early mornings, nights and weekends. Our commitment to digital scholarship includes 24/7 access to ...

Binghamton University Libraries serve every discipline on campus. To some, the Libraries are a group of quiet rooms surrounded by books or the best place to study and meet study partners. For others, the Libraries represent research opportunities and discoveries ...

Libraries are known for their collective ability to pivot. People who regularly use library services know that the richness of paper books, the essence of the stacks and the feeling of laying one’s hands on the perfect volume are all ...

It is the Libraries’ primary institutional purpose to provide material that answers the myriad of questions posed by scholars. Our biggest fans are many-splendored and, while they proudly identify with their primary Binghamton degree programs, a select group remember the ...

The Binghamton University Libraries’ material collections are dealt with in large part by our resident expert Jim Galbraith, head of collection development. He also leads Collections, a team of faculty librarians with subject specializations, cataloguing and web-based expertise who theorize ...

For most people, change isn’t synonymous with libraries but those who have the inside track know that change agents make the best librarians. The professional work involved in librarianship today includes identifying trends, learning and teaching new modalities, redefining best ...

When campus temporarily closed at the end of the spring semester, we were unable to wrap up the year with our student workers. It was hard not to be able to say goodbye. This fall, student supervisors at the Glenn ...

If we summarized this year with just one word , it would be “planning.” We are beginning to plan for the renovation of the third floor of Bartle Library. While ostensibly an asbestos abatement project, the renovation will give us the ...