The Libraries are happy to announce expanded access to approximately 50,000 Cambridge eBooks as part of an evidence-based acquisition program that runs through December 31, 2026. For the next two years, the Libraries will have subscription access to Cambridge eBooks and are able to make perpetual purchases based on usage, amongst other criteria, at the end of each calendar year. The eBooks that are included in this program are interdisciplinary in nature and offer high-quality resources for both curricular and research purposes that will benefit all departments and colleges at Binghamton University.
To search the newly expanded eBook offers, select the ‘view all’ option found at

Use the facets on the left side of the page to refine the listing and select ‘Only show content I have access to’ in the Access section and ‘Books’ in the Content type section. Make sure that nothing in the Publication date section is selected.

From there, users should see the roughly 50,000 eBook options to search across the content to find research that matches their academic needs.

If you have any questions about this announcement or the Libraries collections, please reach out to Matt Gallagher (, director of collection development.
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