On January 31, 2024, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Donald Hall and Dean of Libraries Andrea Falcone officially announced a University partnership with ORCID to improve research promotion.

As part of the University Roadmap, the University-wide initiative led by the Libraries will allow all faculty and researchers to register for an ORCID iD, which serves as a unique identifier permanently linked to their name and published work. With millions of articles published globally every year, it is becoming increasingly crucial to ensure researchers receive recognition for their publications and works.
By signing up for an ORCID record and populating their profile, researchers can ensure that they receive proper credit for their scholarship and Binghamton can showcase their researchers, elevating the impact of their scholarly work.
ORCID is an organization that provides unique, interoperable, persistent identifiers (ORCID iDs) for scholars, connecting individuals and their professional contributions across disciplines, organizations and time. Features of creating an ORCID iD are:
- Long-lasting:
An ORCID record can stay with a person throughout their career and follow through with changes in names, locations and potential disciplines. - Far-reaching:
Unlike other professional profiles, an ORCID record can connect directly with many major research institutions, publishers, databases and funders. - Easy to share:
ORCID makes it easy to share education, works and publications, membership, service, funding, residencies or invited positions, peer review work, employment and other important things one may want to share professionally. - Easy to maintain:
An ORCID record also makes it easier to maintain a CV; by designating systems such as Web of Science, DataCite and Crossref as “Trusted Parties,” it can allow automatic updates for new publications. Manual submissions are also allowed for keeping information about conference presentations, books published, exhibitions, artistic performances, inventions and other scholarly works that are outside the standard scholarly publishing arena.
Looking at the trends in research, many journals and granting organizations request ORCID iDs or have ORCID embedded in their submission process to bring in required information. Additionally, this is the only identifier that currently meets the US government requirements for a Researcher ID. So, an ORCID iD is not only useful and can save time, but necessary for many potential funding opportunities.
To learn more about this tool, visit the ORCID Subject Guide on the Libraries website. To set up a group meeting or meet individually with an ORCID graduate consultant, email orcid@binghamton.edu.
Those already associated with an ORCID iD will need to make sure to register their iD through the MyBinghamton Dashboard and complete the following form to inform the Libraries.