Pop-up Book Display Highlights International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Photo of a circle of books with the logo for International Day of People with Disabilities in the center.

December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), an opportunity to raise awareness and promote the rights and perspectives of people with disabilities around the world. IDPD has been celebrated each year since its proclamation in 1992 by the United Nations. 

In observance of IDPD, the Binghamton University Libraries’ Disability and Access Working Group is partnering with Services for Students with Disabilities to present a pop-up book display as part of SSD’s week-long events for Reframing Disability Week. The display, called “ Barrier Breakers: Celebrating Voices of the Disability Community,” will highlight memoirs, novels and poetry from the Libraries’ collections that focus on telling the stories of people with disabilities.

“Barrier Breakers” can be found in front of the main staircase at Bartle Library until December 8. Books can be checked out at the self-checkout or the Reader Services Desk.

A list of physical resources included in the pop-up display, as well as digital resources found via our online catalog, FindIt!, is below:


