Artful views

An art studio with bright light shining from above with a figure in the background
Linda Sokolowski sits in her Swan Lake, NY studio

Professor Emerita Linda Sokolowski was the head of printmaking and a predominant  influence in drawing in the Department of Art at Harpur College of Arts and Sciences from 1971– 2004. In that time, Sokolowski’s reputation for undeniably brilliant print artistry was rivaled only by her talent for instruction. Thanks to a collaboration with Special Collections, the Libraries are the permanent home to nearly 90 original alumni art prints Sokolowski curated while at Harpur and chose to represent as plates in her latest book, What’s the Problem?: Enigmas for the Visual Arts Studio

Department of Art and Design assistant professor Colin Lyons hangs Sokolowski’s work entitled Etruscan Tomb

In addition to Sokolowski’s gift of alumni prints and several copies of her book that are featured in the Libraries’ catalog, paintings from her personal collection are on display. Each oil-on-paper design is unique, but all three indulge the senses in rich color. Sokolowski’s extensive portfolio travels beyond the beaten path. Her paintings feature landscapes and ancient architecture with sun-drenched layers and sinewy lines highlighted with expert color blocking and pattern detecting. Three paintings on loan from Sokolowski’s personal collection will be on display through 2023 on the Glenn G. Bartle Library’s second floor in the North Reading Room, just outside of Special Collections.

Carrie Blabac-Myers and Department of Art and Design lecturer Andrea Kastner with Sophia Rose Hall’s painting Monotonous

Complementing Sokolowski’s paintings in the North Reading Room are three works by Sophia Rose Hall ’21, purchased through support from the Binghamton Fund for the Libraries. Hall, a biological sciences major who is one of three siblings in her family to graduate from Binghamton University, completed her “Campus Sleepers Series” under the guidance of Natalia Mijatovic, professor of art and design. Hall’s photorealistic paintings resonate with observers for their beauty and relatability.