The Libraries are excited to announce a year-long program that opens access to approximately 57,000 Taylor & Francis eBook titles. The available titles, published between 2011-2020, span a wide range of disciplines and includes imprints like Routledge and CRC Press.
To explore available titles in greater detail, visit the Taylor & Francis eBook platform. Using the search bar, users can search for relevant keywords, subject areas, specific eBook collections or authors. Results from that search should be filtered by “Licensed Content.” To do so, click on the ‘Filter By > Content I have access to > Licensed Content’ facet on the left side of the browser.

Additionally, all eBooks associated with this program can be searched and discovered via FindIt by all Binghamton users.
Based on usage data at the end of the academic year, most-used eBooks may be added to the Libraries’ permanent collection. If eBook access to be widely used through this program, the program may be extended into the future.
If you have any questions, please contact a subject librarian or Matt Gallagher, director of Collection Development at