Welcome back! Spring semester begins. Wearing your mask continues.

Library patron sits at a common study table next to book shelves working on her computer while wearing a mask
photo by Jonathan Cohen

Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Community Patrons,

Welcome Back!

The beginning of a new calendar year and a brand-new semester presents a lot of opportunities to engage with everything offered at the Libraries. Depending on personal goals, you might commit to planning ahead on assignments, explore different technologies to give your project an extra boost, or just create a routine to visit your favorite quiet spot to focus more. No matter your aspirations, the one thing we can all do to help each other is to wear your mask while visiting the Libraries.

To continue our best efforts in maintaining a healthy environment, consider visiting the CDC website for additional guidelines and support.

We are very fortunate that we have such a robust information hub with a wide-range of study spaces, technology, information experts and (of course) books! All these are possible through the efforts and dedication of the staff and faculty who work on the front lines, behind the scenes and the patrons who fill our spaces with your own collaboration, discovery and commitment. 

The Libraries welcome you back to campus for another great semester! 

We will continue to provide the best resources we can for your academic success. 

Do your part in keeping everyone healthy and safe by wearing a mask when you visit.


Curtis Kendrick

Dean of Libraries